Physics: Theory and Experiment. IV
Le Sirenè Gallipoli, Lecce (Italy) June 22 - July 1, 2006
NAME | L/P | TITLE | |
ABENDA | SIMONETTA | L | Closed geodesics and Billiards on quadrics related to elliptic KdV solutions |
ABLOWITZ | MARK | L | Solitary waves in nonlinear optics and fluid dynamics |
ALEKSEEV | GEORGE | L | Integrable reductions of Einstein-Maxwell equations: hierarchies of solutions with rational |
ATANASOV | VICTOR | L | The emergence of the Toda chain for the N-kink (breather) train of the Sine-Gordon equation |
BAKIRTAS-AKAR | ILKAY | L | Wave collapse in nonlocal nonlinear Schroedinger equation |
BIONDINI | GINO | L | Initial-boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear differential-difference equations |
BLASZAK | MACIEJ | L | Reciprocal transformations for classical Stackel systems and related dispersionless systems |
BOGDANOV | LEONID | L | On the heavenly equation hierarchy |
BOITI | MARCO | L | Extended resolvent of the nonstationary Schrödinger operator for a Darboux transformed potential |
BOSCOLO | SONIA | L | On the stability of self-similar parabolic optical pulses |
CALOGERO | FRANCESCO | L | Isochronous systems and their quantization |
CAPUTO | JEAN GUY | L | Statics and dynamics of point nonlinear oscillators in a linear cavity |
CARROLL | ROBERT | L | Metric fluctutations, entropy, and the WDW equation |
CHANG | JEN-HSU | L | On the bi-Hamiltonian structure of waterbag model of dKP |
CHOUDHURY | ROY SUDIPTO | L | Solitary Wave Families of the Ostrovsky Equation: An Approach via Reversible Systems Theory and Normal Forms |
CHOUSTOVA | OLGA | P | Applications of Hamilton-Jakobi dynamics and Bohmian mechanics to description of financial processes |
CONTE | ROBERT | L | Reduction of the resonant three-wave interaction to the sixth Painlev\'e equation |
DE LILLO | SILVANA | L | The Spectral Method for Inverse Moving Boundary Problems |
FERAPONTOV | EUGENE | L | On integrability of hydrodynamic chains: the Haantjes tensor |
FOKAS | THANASSIS | L | Imaging of the brain, boundary value problems and Integrability in 4+2 and 3+1 |
FRIEDLAND | LAZAR | L | Emergence and control of multi-phase nonlinear waves by resonant perturbations |
GANDARIAS | MARIA LUZ | L | New solutions through weak symmetries of the Schwarzian-Korteweg-de Vries |
GARCIA ESTEVEZ | PILAR | L | Algorithmic construction of lumps |
GERDJIKOV | VLADIMIR | L | Multicomponent solitons: properties, stability, interactions |
GHOSH | SUBIR | L | Current Algebra and Non-Linear sigma-Model |
GRAHOVSKI | GEORGI | L | An Exactly Solvable Case for a Thin Elastic Rod |
GRINEVICH | PETR | L | Infinitesimal Darboux transformations of the spectral curves of tori in the four-space |
GRUNDLAND | ALFRED MICHEL | L | Rank-k solutions described by quasilinear systems of PDEs |
HABIBULLIN | ISMAGIL | L | Characteristic algebras and the problem of classification of discrete chains |
HARNAD | JOHN | L | Correlators of characteristic polynomials in two-matrix models |
ILAN | BOAZ | L | Two-dimensional solitons in irregular lattices |
KALYAKIN | LEONID | L | Autoresonance phenomenon in magnetic reversal of the weak ferromagnetic |
KAUP | DAVID | L | The Quantitative Estimation of Variational Approximations |
KHOMERIKI | RAMAZ | L | Coexistence of Josephson oscillations and novel self-trapping regime in optical waveguide arrays |
KHRENNIKOV | ANDREI | L | Infinite dimensional Hamilton dynamics and quantum mechanics |
KHUSNUTDINOVA | KARIMA | L | On two classes of integrable second order quasilinear equations in 3D |
KISELEV | ARTHEMIY | P | Algebraic properties of Gardners's deformations for integrable systems |
KISELEV | OLEG | L | Slow passage through resonance for a weakly nonlinear dispersive wave |
KONOPELCHENKO | BORIS | L | Associative algebras, coisotropic manifolds and dispersionless hierarchies |
KRASIL'SHCHIK | JOSIF | L | Nonlocal aspects of integrability |
KRUSKAL | MARTIN | L | Surreal numbers |
KUNDU | ANJAN | P | Integrable nonlinearity generated only from Linear dispersion |
KUZNETSOV | EVGENII | L | Vortex line representation |
LARIONOVA | YEVGENIYA | L | Dark solitons in passive and active semiconductor microresonators |
LEBLE | SERGEY | L | Interacting matter-radiation systems: dressing and quantization in generalized Jaynes-Cummings models |
LEE | JYH-HAO | L | Solitons of the Resonant Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation with Nontrivial Boundary Condition by the Hirota Method |
LUPO | GAIA | L | A Chauchy problem in nonlinear heat conduction |
MAGRI | FRANCO | L | On the art of choosing the right coordinates in a problem of Mechanics |
MAIOLO | TINA A.C. | P | A measurement of the degree of entanglement in atoms and molecules |
MANAKOV | SERGEY | L | Vector fields and integrable nonlinear PDEs in multidimensions. Part II. |
MANCAS | STEFAN C. | L | Spatiotemporal structure of dissipative solitons in the cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation |
MANKO | MARGARITA | L | Uncertainty relations for tomographic entropy of solitons |
MARMO | GIUSEPPE | L | Geometry of Quantum Systems. Density States and Entanglement. |
MARTINA | LUIGI | L | Semiclassical dynamics of wave - packets in generalized mechanics |
MASLOV | EUGENE | L | Breather resonant phaselocking by external perturbation |
MATVEEV | VLADIMIR | L | Cylindrical KP equation revisited |
MEDINA | ELENA | L | Classification of Integrable Deformations of Algebraic Curves |
MOKHOV | OLEG | L | Theory of Submanifolds, Associativity Equations in 2D Topological Quantum Field Theories, and Frobenius Manifolds |
MORO | ANTONIO | L | High frequency integrable regimes in nonlocal nonlinear optics |
MUELLER-HOISSEN | FOLKERT | L | From Gelfand-Dickey-type hierarchies to functional representations |
NOVOKSHENOV | VICTOR | L | Autoresonant excitation and control of nonlinear waves in the integrable systems |
NUCCI | CLARA | L | Jacobi last multiplier, Lie symmetries, and hidden linearity: what's up |
ORLOV | ALEXANDER | L | Fermionic tau function and random processes |
ORTIX | CARMINE | P | Strong coupling anomalous dimensions of N=4 super Yang-Mills |
PACCIANI | PAMELA | L | Localized solutions of the quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a periodic potential |
PALESE | MARCELLA | P | Towers with infinite-dimensional skeletons and prolongation structures |
PARWANI | RAJESH | L | Solutions of an information-theoretic motivated nonlinear Schrodinger equation |
PASHAEV | OKTAY | L | Galilean Group, Vortex Generation Techniques and Complex Burgers Hierarchy |
PAVLOV | MAXIM | L | New Hamiltonian formalism for hydrodynamic type systems |
POGREBKOV | ANDREI | L | Scattering transform for the nonstationary Schrödinger operator with a bidimensionally perturbed N-soliton potential |
PRINARI | BARBARA | L | Inverse Scattering Transform for vector defocusing Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonvanishing boundary conditions |
PROTOGENOV | ALEXANDER | L | Decomposition of variables and duality in non-Abelian models |
ROGERS | COLIN | L | On a novel class of nonlinear elastic materials. Soliton connections |
ROSENHAUS | VLADIMIR | L | On infinite conservation laws for systems with infinite symmetries |
RUGGERI | GIOVANNA | P | Quantum Gaussian Memory Channels |
SANTINI | PAOLO M. | L | Vector fields and integrable nonlinear PDEs in multidimensions. Part I. |
SCOLARICI | GIUSEPPE | L | Completely positive quaternionic maps |
SEGEV | MORDECHAI | L | Nonlinear waves and solitons in photonic quasi-crystals, Anderson localization, etc. |
SOMMACAL | MATTEO | P | The Transition from Regular to Irregular Motions, Explained as Travel on Riemann Surfaces |
SOZZO | SANDRO | P | On the physical interpretation of partial traces: two alternative approaches |
SPEIGHT | JAMES | L | Magnetic bubble refraction in inhomogeneous antiferromagnets |
SPILLER | ELAINE | L | Rare events in dispersion-managed nonlinear lightwave systems |
TEMPESTA | PIERGIULIO | L | Frobenius Manifolds and integrable hierarchies of Toda type |
TRUBATCH | DAVID | L | Recurrence in KdV? |
VERHOEVEN | CAROLINE | L | Spiderweb solutions for the CKP equation |
VILASI | GAETANO | L | pin-1 gravitational waves |
VINOGRADOV | ALEXANDRE | L | Solution singularities and the reconstruction problem |
VITOLO | RAFFAELE | P | On differential equations characterized by their Lie point symmetries |
WEISS | CARL OTTO | L | Spatial solitons in nonlinear optical resonators |
WINTERNITZ | PAVEL | L | Symmetry preserving discretization of differential equations with applications to computing |
WINTERROTH | EKKEHART | P | On the relation between the Hessian and the Jacobi morphisms in gauge-natural field theories |
ZAKHAROV | VLADIMIR | L | Spaces of Diagonal Curvature, Spaces of Flat Connection and Problem of N-Orthogonal Coordinate Systems |
ZARMI | YAIR | L | Perturbed Evolution Equation and Asymptotic Integrability |