Three-body force in nuclear many-body systems
F. Arias de Saavedra and G. Co'
A Light Pseudoscalar as a Dark Matter Candidate
R. Armillis, C. Corianò, M. Guzzi, A. Mariano and S. Morelli
Integrability in AdS/CFT correspondence
M. Beccaria, G.F. De Angelis and F. Catino
Renormalizable SU(5) times A4 SUSY GUT
P. Ciafaloni, M. Picariello, Emilio Torrente-Lujan, A. Urbano
Electroweak corrections of infrared origin
P. Ciafaloni, A. Urbano
Identifying supernovae neutrinos
G. Co', V. De Donno, C. Maieron
Continuum Random Phase Appoximation
V. De Donno, G. Co', C. Maieron,
M. Anguiano, A. M. Lallena, M. Moreno Torres
Low lying magnetic states of double magic nuclei within Random
Phase Approximation theory
V. De Donno, G. Co', C. Maieron,
M. Anguiano, A. M. Lallena, M. Moreno Torres
Low lying magnetic states of double magic nuclei within Random
Phase Approximation theory with Gogny interaction
V. De Donno, G. Co', C. Maieron,
M. Anguiano, A. M. Lallena, M. Moreno Torres
Relativistic bound states
S. De Leo, P. Rotelli
Potential calculations
S. De Leo, P. Rotelli
Scaling in electron-nucleus scattering
in the Delta resonance region
C. Maieron, J.E. Amaro, M.B. Barbaro, J.A. Caballero,
and T.W. Donnelly
Limits on neutrino non-standard properties from Borexino
D. Montanino, M. Picariello, J. Pulido