- M. Anguiano, G. Co', V. De Donno and A. M. Lallena
New Gogny-like interactions with tensor-isospin term
- M. Anguiano, G. Co', V. De Donno and A. M. Lallena
Hartree-Fock calculations with finite range interactions with
tensor term
- M. Anguiano, G. Co', V. De Donno and A. M. Lallena
Self-consistent RPA calculations with finite range interactions
with tensor terms
- R. Armillis, C. Coriano', L. Delle Rose, A. Quintavalle and
M. Serino
The trace anomaly in the standard model and gravity
- M. Beccaria, G. F. De Angelis and G. Macorini
Recent advances in AdS/CFT correspondence
- V. R. Brown, G. Co'
Coupled channel description of hadron scattering off nuclei
- P. Ciafaloni, A. Urbano
Dark Matter and TeV scale electroweak corrections
- G. Co', V. De Donno, C. Maieron, M. Anguiano and A. M. Lallena
Evolution od the pygmy dipole resonance in nuclei with neutron
- C. Coriano', M. Guzzi and A. Mariano
Relic densities od gauged axions and supersymmetry
- V. De Donno, G. Co', M. Anguiano and A. M. Lallena
Self-consistent CRPA formalism with finite-range interaction
- V. De Donno, G. Co', M. Anguiano and A. M. Lallena
Self-consistent CRPA calculations for oxygen and calcium isotopes
- L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky, L. E. Marcucci, R. Schiavilla and M. Viviani
Parity-violating nucleon-nucleon interaction
- L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky and M. Viviani
Towards a more refined model of the three-nucleon interaction
- L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky, L. E. Marcucci, S. Pastore,
R. Schiavilla, M. Viviani and R. B. Wiringa
Electromagnetic structure and reactions of few-nucleon systems in
chiral Effective Field Theory
- E. Marra, M. Anguiano and G. Co'
Application of BCS theory to nuclear system
- E. Marra, M. Anguiano, G. Co' and V. De Donno
Conservation of particle number in BCS theory
- D. Montanino and A. Mirizzi
Photon-axion oscillations and the transparency of the universe
- M. Moreno-Torres, M. Grasso, H. Liang, V. De Donno,
M. Anguiano and N. Van Giai
Tensor effects in shell evolution at Z, N=8, 20 and 28
- P. Rotelli and S. De Leo
Potential scattering in Dirac field theory
- P. Rotelli and S. De Leo
Planar Dirac diffusion
- P. Rotelli and S. De Leo
Antiparticle creation in tunneling